Authors' Academy Wiki

Note: Feel free to edit my grammar or spelling mistakes, but please don't edit anything else. This is my first fanfic, so please give me loads of comments to help me. These are new Clans -- Clans I made up myself. Thanks!


The time has come for four kits of the four Clans -- Bumblepaw, Reedpaw, Graypaw, and Mosspaw -- to become apprentices. They are the great-great-great-great-great-grandchildren of the great leader Thistlestar, and all four possess unusual power and talent. However, secrets surround them, and they have to trample through a forest of lies in order to uncover the truth. A mysterious prophecy hints at trouble to come, and the Clans are in danger of being washed away by a river of blood, and all the young cats' strength will be needed if the Clans are to survive.


When the Clans divide,

Fire and Ice will fight,

New leaders will rise,

And the Four will unite.

A secret is concealed,

A secret will be revealed,

A secret will be spilled,

A secret will be healed.

Then blood will arrive upon the Clans,

And the Four will know what he plans,

With the united Four there’s another chance,

And bring back hope and help the Clans survive.



Leader: Lilystar

Deputy: Breezewhisker

Medicine Cat: Cloudfur

Medicine Cat Apprentice: Bumblepaw



-Applefur, apprentice: Maplepaw





-Shadefall, apprentice: Honeypaw

-Sunfall, apprentice: Badgerpaw


-Ferntail, apprentice: Berrypaw


-Badgerpaw, mentor: Sunfall

-Berrypaw, mentor: Ferntail

-Honeypaw, mentor: Shadefall

-Maplepaw, mentor: Applefur


-Heatherfall, kits: Silverkit, Bluekit

-Autumntail, kits: Berrykit, Hollykit, Tigerkit





Leader: Swiftstar

Deputy: Ripplepelt, apprentice: Reedpaw

Medicine Cat: Crocodileleaf

Medicine Cat Apprentice: Sealclaw


-Lizardheart, apprentice: Bluepaw

-Stormfeather, apprentice: Riverpaw












-Bluepaw, mentor: Lizardheart

-Riverpaw, mentor: Stormfeather

-Reedpaw, mentor: Silverripple


-Goldenfur, nets: Flamekit, Firekit

-Ripplebreeze, nets: Burnkit, Blisterkit, Blazekit






Leader: Brightstar, apprentice: Squirrelpaw

Deputy: Sunnyheart, apprentice: Spottedpaw

Medicine Cat: Meadowshine

Medicine Cat Apprentice: Dappleleaf





-Mousewhisker, apprentice: Graypaw



-Sparrowfur, apprentice: Lilypaw








-Spottedpaw, mentor: Sunnyheart 

-Graypaw, mentor: Mousewhisker

-Lilypaw, mentor: Sparrowfur

-Squirrelpaw, mentor: Brightstar


-Featherheart, nets: Sparrowkit, Crowkit, Jaykit






Leader: Nightstar, apprentice: Slatepaw

Deputy: Firesight, apprentice: Pinepaw

Medicine Cat: Brightmoon

Medicine Cat Apprentice: Duskpaw











-Smokefur, apprentice: Mosspaw



-Pinepaw, mentor: Firesight

-Mosspaw, mentor: Smokefur

-Slatepaw, mentor: Nightstar


-Goldenheart, nets: Dovekit, Hollykit, Lionkit




A full moon hung in the eerie silence of the night. Pale gray clouds drifted a distance away from the moon. A tom padded quietly toward the mouth of a cave. His brown pelt blended with the shadows, except for his amber eyes, which shone brightly in the dark like two small lamps. The route was outlined with brambles, bracken, and thorns, and the path was smooth with scarcely any bumps.

An old she-cat sat in the mouth of the cave, looking at the leader arriving.

“You asked me to come,” The leader mewed politely and respectfully.

"Yes. I have something to tell you," the cat replied. She was starry and almost transparent, and her pelt and muzzle were scarred by time and battle. Her voice was weary, but confident. “You are a good leader. No cat would have done better, not even Goldenstar. You should be proud to yourself.”

"Thank you."

“But you also have to remember, the destiny of the whole Clan is not what you can shape. You can only shape your destiny only.” Then, she rose stiffly to her paws, and her gaze was no longer resting on the leader. She seemed to be staring past him.

The leader turned around but saw nothing but trees and the moon in the distance. “What?” he asked, puzzled.

“When the Clans divide,

Fire and Ice will fight,

New leaders will rise,

And the Four will unite.

A secret is concealed,

A secret will be revealed,

A secret will be spilled,

A secret will be healed.

Then blood will arrive upon the Clans,

And the Four will know what he plans,

With the united Four there’s another chance,

And bring back hope and help the Clans survive.”

With that, she padded out the den.

“Wait!” the tomcat cried. “You’ve got to tell me more!” He charged out the cave to the old she-cat.

But the cat looked back at him, and replied, “Goodbye, Thistlestar. In the moons to come, remember me.”

Thistlestar jolted awake, his heart beating fast. He relaxed when he saw that he was still in his den. Sunlight streamed in through the small crack that acted as an entrance to the den. Cherryleaf was still asleep beside him. He tiptoed out out the den and looked down from highledge. His deputy was stretching in the middle of the clearing with his mate coming to greet him.

Thistlestar smiled. Good morning, my Clan.

* * *

In the moons to come, he happened to go on many adventures and forget about the prophecy, so he didn't tell others about it. But one day, the Clans were invaded by a whole tribe of dogs. The four Clans fought desperately -- and bravely -- to survive, and many cats died from the battle, including him.

“Thistlestar!” Moonlight shrieked as she watched her leader tumble down the cliff with the dog. It was two years later and he was on his last life.

Wait! The prophecy --

His thoughts broke down as he plunged into icy river. The dog lost its grip on him and was washed away downstream while Thistlestar splashed helplessly in the water. He was old -- eleven years old now, and he lost his strength quickly. He took a gulp of air, but only gobbled in icy cold water. The gurgling water filled his ears, his lungs, his nose, and his mouth.

"Help!" he tried to yell, but his mouth filled with water and water filled his lungs. He sank lower and lower onto the bottom of the river. He struggled helplessly for a couple of moments, then gave up, and everything went dark. His last memories alive were feeling teeth fastened into his scruff and pulling him up to dry, sandy land.

Chapter 1[]


Bumblekit jolted awake. Today was the day for her — and her siblings’ — apprentice ceremony! Then, she felt her mother’s tongue starting to smooth her wrinkled fur. She wriggled away.

“Mother,” she complained. “Mother, that’s enough! You spent your whole day yesterday grooming me!”

Her mother let out a mrrow of amusement. “I already finished cleaning your brothers. They are playing in the clearing. You can go, but don’t get into any warrior’s way!”

“Okay, mother,” Bumblekit replied. She bounded into the clearing to her brothers. She scented prey. Hmmm. The warriors have brought back plenty of prey for even the coldest and longest leaf-bare.

“Wanna play moss ball?” Badgerkit asked, barreling into her.

“No,” Bumblekit replied, scrambling to her feet. She was not planning to play today. She needed to see the leader. Right now.

Berrykit sighed. “What is she up to now?”

Bumblekit scrambled up the rocky highledge to the leader’s den.

“It’s Bumblekit. May I come in?” she called.

“Come in,” Lilystar called back.

Bumblekit ducked into the den and sat before her leader. She and Breezewhisker were sharing a pigeon. Lilystar sat up when she came in.

“I want to be the medicine cat apprentice,” she announced when Lilystar and her mate, Breezewhisker, were both ready.

“Uh . . . why?” Lilystar asked.

“It’s because I like helping Cloudfur helping the sick cats and treating their wounds while they come back from battle,” she explained. “Also, I can exercise my brain. LeafClan needs a future medicine cat. Cloudfur is old already and is almost time to join the elders. And, there are other ways to help the Clan than just being a warrior. A warrior need to help the Clan — fight, hunt, build dens, and so on, and even die to serve the Clan. But being a medicine cat — a medicine cat also learns how to fight and hunt and collect moss and treat the elders with mouse bile, but they also learn how to treat wounds and how to fight off illnesses. And, they can also get to meet with the other medicine cats and help them when they can need help. And, they can also go to the Moonpool and meet with StarClan cats!”

“But . . . what about your blindness?”

“Just because I’m blind doesn’t mean I can’t make a good medicine cat. I know almost all the herbs already and I have helped Cloudfur with his sick and wounded cats many times!” Bumblekit hissed.

Lilystar nodded. “I’ll think about that. I'm going to talk to Cloudleap about it Thank you. You can go now.”

Bumblekit dipped her head and bounded back to the clearing. She waited behind the medicine cat den until Lilystar went into it. Then, she snuck to the entrance, pricked her ears up, and listened to Cloudfur's and Lilystar's dialogue.

". . . She wants to become your apprentice. Would you want her?"

". . . She helped me a lot and she already knows many herbs . . ."

". . . Then you're agreeing? . . ."

". . . Yes . . . "

“. . . Then I'll perform a naming ceremony now . . .”

". . . Okay . . ."

Then, Bumblekit heard Lilystar's footsteps coming closer and closer and dashed back to the back of the medicine cat den. Lilystar went through the entrance without hesitation and jumped onto Highledge.

“Let all the cats old enough to catch their own prey come here for a Clan meeting!” she called. Her voice rang out brightly against the stone hollow.

The Clan began to emerge from the dens and sit beneath Highledge.

“Today, three of our kits are going to become apprentices,” she continued. “They are Badgerkit, Berrykit, and Bumblekit. Step forward.”

Lilystar bounded down onto the ground and the three kits stepped forward with Bumblekit’s tail twitching excitedly.

“Badgerkit, from this day until you receive your warrior name, you will be Badgerpaw. Sunfall, I know that I am putting Badgerpaw in safe paws. I pray that StarClan gives your apprentice all the strength and wisdom he will need.”

Badgerkit's tail shot up as he touched noses with Sunfall.

“Badgerpaw! Badgerpaw!” the Clan cheered.

Lilystar raised her tail for silence.

“Berrykit, from this day until you receive your warrior name, you will be Berrypaw. Ferntail. You mentored Mouseflight, and she is all the credit to his Clan. Now LeafClan asks you to prove yourself once more a great mentor,” Lilystar mewed.

Berrypaw bounded to Sunfall touched noses with him.

“Berrypaw! Berrypaw!” the Clan cheered.

Lilystar raised her tail for silence again.

“Bumblekit, from now on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be named Bumblepaw. Cloudfur, you have been a medicine cat for moons, and now, it's your turn to teach an apprentice.”

“Bumblepaw! Bumblepaw! Berrypaw! Berrypaw! Badgerpaw! Badgerpaw!” the Clan cheered.

"This meeting is dismissed," Lilystar announced.

"Bumblepaw," Cloudfur called to her. "Eat the traveling herbs. We need to go to the Moonpool tonight. It's half-moon." He placed a bundle of traveling herbs at her paws.

Bumblepaw ate the bundle. Yuck. It tasted disgusting! When she finished, she licked her lips and tried to get the disgusting smell off. She and Cloudfur went to the WaterClan border and met Crocodileleaf and her apprentice, Sealclaw. Soon, Brightmoon and Duskpaw -- the SpaceClan medicine cats -- and Meadowshine and Dappleleaf -- the SkyClan medicine cats -- arrived.

"Hi guys," Cloudfur mewed. "This is Bumblepaw, my apprentice."

"Hey," she mewed nervously, shuffling her feet.

Then, they traveled to the Moonpool. When they got there, it was moonhigh.

"StarClan! I bring you Bumblepaw, my apprentice, and pray you accept her as you once accepted me," Cloudfur called to the sky.

"Lap up a few drops of the water," he told her. Bumblepaw obeyed, and the other medicine cats did the same. "Now, touch your nose to the pool."

Bumblepaw obeyed, and immediately fell fast asleep.

When she woke up, she found herself in a forest. She can see!

“Hi, Bumblepaw.”

Bumblepaw whirled around. “Cherrystar!” she gasped.

Cherrystar was the last leader of LeafClan, and Sparkstar was her deputy.

“I’m Polarheart,” the tom introduced himself beside Cherrystar.

“We have come to warn you that there’s a great battle coming,” Cherrystar mewed. “Beware.”

Then, Bumblepaw found herself on an island. She looked closer. It was LeafClan’s island! She also heard battle cries and cats snarling and fighting. Suddenly, her vision darkened, and a voice rang in her ears:

When the Clans divide, Fire and Ice will fight.

She jolted awake. What is happening? she thought, bewildered and scared.

Who’s that? Why can I hear other voices? a voice sounded inside her ear.

I’m Bumblepaw from LeafClan, she replied nervously.

Why can I hear three other voices? Another voice jumped in.

“Ack!” Bumblepaw jumped. Who are you?

I’m Mosspaw from SpaceClan, the voice replied.

I’m Reedpaw from WaterClan, another voice answered.

And I’m Graypaw from SkyClan, the last voice replied.

Why can we hear each other’s thoughts? Bumblepaw wondered.

I heard a voice, saying something like Clans divided and something something fight something something Fire and Ice? Graypaw mewed.

Me too! Oh, that’s a prophecy! And, I think, we’re the prophecy cats! Bumblepaw exclaimed.

“HEY! BUMBLEPAW! ARE YOU DAYDREAMING?” Cloudfur roared. “It’s time to say goodbye to the other medicine cats and return to our Clans!”

Oof, you’re a medicine cat apprentice! Mosspaw yelped.

“Okay,” Bumblepaw replied. “Let’s go.”

They went back to LeafClan and said goodbye to the other Clans’ medicine cats on the way.

“You’d better pay more attention next time,” he scolded her when they got to the camp. “Now, we’ll learn about the herbs. So. It's leaf-fall now, so we need to collect catmint, because catmint's the only treatment or greencough.” Cloudfur led the way into the clearing, but when he got to the thorn tunnel entrance, he jumped back in alarm and a patrol hared into the camp and stopped, breathing heavily. Bumblepaw sensed fear sparking from their pelts.

“What is it?” Lilystar demanded, she and Breezewhisker jumping to their paws.

“We’ve . . . found a beaver . . . inside our . . . territory!” Crimsontail gasped.

Chapter 2[]

"Let all the cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath highrock!" Swiftstar yowled.

Reedkit charged into the clearing. Today was the day he was going to be an apprentice!

The Clan began to file out of their dens and arrive beneath highrock.

"Today, two of our kits are going to be apprentices!" Swiftstar announced. "Reedkit, Riverkit, stepped forward."

Swiftstar leaped down from highrock as they were padding forward.

"Reedkit, from this day on until you earn your warrior name, you will be called Reedpaw. Ripplepelt, you are an excellent mentor and have taught many apprentices. They have all grown up to become fierce warriors. Now, WaterClan ask you to teach one more apprentice."

Reedkit stepped forward to touch noses with Ripplepelt and relaxed when he saw that the deputy's eyes were shining to take on another apprentice.

Swiftstar moved on to Riverkit. "Riverkit, from this day on until you earn your warrior name, you will be called Riverpaw. Stormfeather, you taught Spottedbreeze, and she have been a great credit to the Clan. Now, I ask you to take on another apprentice."

Reedkit watched proudly as his brother bounded forward to touch noses with the fierce warrior.

"Reedpaw! Reedpaw! Riverpaw! Riverpaw!" the Clan chanted.

"This meeting is dismissed," Swiftstar announced.

"Hey Reedpaw, we're going to see the border that marks ours and SkyClan's territory!" Ripplepelt called.


Ripplepelt led the way out the camp and into the woods. Reedpaw gaped at the sight. Everything was so big and so colorful. Even though it's leaf-fall, the scent of prey filled his nose.

"Can we hunt?" he asked.

"Later, after we visit the border." Ripplepelt mewed softly. Then, he padded toward the river.

When Reedpaw got there, he was stunned by what he saw. Dozens and dozens of fish swam in the crystal water, and on the other side of the river was filled with oak trees and maple trees and birch trees. He drank in the familiar scent of fish that he ate every day and wondered what it was like to catch it.

There were all kinds of fish in the water. The blue-green water contrasted the yellow, gold, orange, and red fish, making them easy to see and to catch.

"Can we hunt today?" Reedpaw pleaded.

"Okay," his mentor replied. "We are going to catch fish today. Watch."

He sat down on the bank of the river, careful not to let his shadow drift over the water. He waited, so Reedpaw waited too, both cats silent as breath. They were so silent that you can even hear a feather falling onto the ground.

Suddenly, with a quick flip of Ripplepelt's paw, a fish leaped out of the river and onto the shore. After a few moments, the fish died.

"Wow!" Reedpaw gaped. "Can I try that?"

"Of course. That's what we're here for. Try now." He stepped aside to let Reedpaw sit at the edge of the river.

Reedpaw leaned forward, hoping to see fish. But the fish he saw were all too far away for him to catch. After a minute, he gave up.

"Why didn't the fish come here?" he groaned.

Ripplepelt chuckled. "You let the fish see your shadow. Of course they won't come. They're not fools."

Reedpaw tried again, this time making sure his shadow didn't drift over the water. Then, he spotted a fish coming this way. He waited until the fish was completely under his paw, then flicked his paw in the water, trying to catch the fish, but when he lifted his paw out the water, he saw the fish swimming away.

"What did I do wrong this time?" he groaned.

"You need to wait until the fish is nearly completely under your paw, not completely," Ripplepelt explained patiently.

Reedpaw tried again, and waited until the fish is nearly under his paw. Then, with a quick flick of his paw, the fish leaped out of the water, but after a second, landed in the water again, not on the shore.

"Ugh, why can't I do this right?" Reedpaw growled.

"You need to flick your paw the way the shore is," his mentor mewed.

This time, Reedpaw made sure he did all the things Ripplepelt mentioned. Suddenly, he flicked his paw into the water quickly, and caught a fish!

"Great job, Reedpaw!" Ripplepelt exclaimed. "Let's go back to camp. We're going to have battle training in the afternoon."

Reedpaw bounded behind Ripplepelt as they went back to camp. When he got to the fresh-kill pile, Ripplepelt mewed, "Take your fish to the elders and come here and eat. You'll need plenty of energy afternoon."

Reedpaw nodded and obeyed his orders. When he came out, he saw Riverpaw eating a fish. Riverpaw noticed him

"Hey, Reedpaw! Wanna share?" his brother called. Reedpaw bounded over and took a bite. "I heard you caught a fish today," Riverpaw mewed. "Great job. I went to see the RainClan border this morning."

"Thanks," Reedpaw replied. "Well, I had four tries until I caught the fish."

"I'm going battle training this afternoon," his brother mewed.

Reedpaw lightened up. "Me too! Let's see who can beat the other."

"Let's see," Riverpaw replied. "You have the rest of this fish. I'm full." Riverpaw bounded off toward his mentor.

Reedpaw quickly finished the fish in several big gulps and went to Riverpaw. "Well, what did he say?"

"He said that we need to learn some battle moves, then we can fight each other, and your mentor agreed."

"Meet you at the training ground!" Reedpaw flicked his tail over his brother's ears and bounded off。

* * *

"Try to get past me," Ripplepelt commanded.

It was in the afternoon. They were at a clearing, perfect for training. Riverpaw and Stormfeather were watching him, looking for places Riverpaw could copy and places Reedpaw could improve performing.

"Don't I have anything to learn?" Reedpaw asked.

"Not now. Just try to get past me."

Reedpaw aimed at a bush behind Ripplepelt and peered up at him. He noticed that Ripplepelt was leaning slightly to the left side, so quick as lightning, he launched himself at Ripplepelt and swerved right. However, Ripplepelt slided in front of him easily and blocked his way. Reedpaw leaped up, trying to get past Ripplepelt, but Ripplepelt did a backflip in the air, kicked Reedpaw away with his hind paws, and landed neatly on the ground. Reedpaw scrambled to his feet, panting.

Ripplepelt showed his vulnerable side -- a scar down his side. Reedpaw immediately darted their and tried to swipe at it, but Ripplepelt brought him down and mewed, "Remember not to underestimate your opponents." Reedpaw nodded and he scrambled back onto his paws.

"Let's try again," Ripplepelt encouraged. "I'll be the attacker this time."

Reedpaw squinted at Ripplepelt. Ripplepelt than launched himself toward Reedpaw. At first, he thought Ripplepelt was going to swipe his paws at his leg, but then noticed his direction and immediately leaped up. As Ripplepelt landed, Reedpaw landed on the ground, straight on top of Ripplepelt.

"Oops, sorry," he mumbled and jumped back onto the ground.

Ripplepelt climbed back onto his paws. "Good work," he praised Reedpaw. "Now, we're going to learn some defense moves."
