Authors' Academy Wiki
Rated PG-13
This story is PG-13, appropriate for ages 13 and up.

Chapter One: Dimmed Hope[]

Gray was pressed against a rugged wall, in the middle of a deserted alleyway, sobbing as a few teenagers beat him, hearing joyous laugher, he moaned in pain, then in a second sharp jolt of pain spread throughout his body, the teen let go and watched him slump to the ground, unable to cope with the pain. 

One of the teens raised his fist. "Look at him, can't take it anymore, too bad."

"NO! STOP PLEASE N-" he stopped abruptly, then letting a sickening scream.

The teens laughed, with tears of malicious joy. "Oh look at him, piece of crap, let's have some more fun, he not giving up, it seems."

Gray used spark of anger, to lift himself up the dusty, grime lathered road. "NO, YOU'LL STOP THIS!" He shouted.
